Petronille Healthy Society is an IRS Section 501 (c) (3) organization


Access to surgical procedures remains one of several critical needs across Sub Saharan Africa. Over 66 million people are living with untreated surgical conditions. Sponsoring surgeries for those in greatest need living in rural areas can turn hope into reality.

What we believe
Quality health care and education should not be limited to select groups of people classes or nation, but it should be made available to as many people as possible/

Our approach
We have a highly experienced surgical team that comprises of medical professionals from developed countries, as well as medical providers from SubSaharan Africa. Our surgical teams include surgeons from several different fields, including general surgery, orthopedic, plastic surgery, ENT, gynecology, neurosurgery, trauma, oral and maxillofacial, and urology. Operations are often performed in mobile or local hospitals, based on accessibility, need, transportation availability, and other factors. We work with local partners to ensure that every surgical candidate is well taken care of before and after surgery.

Our team of surgeons not only perform free surgeries but also train and educate local healthcare professionals.

After serving for serval years in Sub Saharan Africa, we have found that one of the best ways to counter disease prevalence is to train local healthcare professionals effectively. Our training programs hope to empower each area that we serve and provide small villages alike with a platform to learn the use of new technology. This is, so they are adequately armed against the many health threats their local populations are faced with regularly.

Surgical Access for Everyone (SAFE)

One of our goals is to be able to help empower those who stay behind after we depart. Petronille Healthy Society leaves the host village or community better equipped with the training, tools, and infrastructure they need to care for their population. So, we’re able to leave a legacy that will last for generations to come. Travel with us to rural areas and villages to break ground on the mission you’ve funded. Work side-by-side and develop deep bonds with those you are helping.

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Thank you to our sponsors, donors and key partners

Petronille Healthy Society works with partners, donors, and sponsors from across the globe to bring positive change in the lives of millions of people.