Petronille Healthy Society is an IRS Section 501 (c) (3) organization

Dr. Mouko Anice is an esteemed figure in the field of international development and humanitarian aid, currently serving as the Senior Program Director for the Africa Region at Petronille Healthy Society. His remarkable career includes a 12-year tenure with UNICEF, where he made significant contributions to various initiatives across Sub-Saharan Africa, before taking on his current role.

During his time at UNICEF, Dr. Anice was actively involved in multiple countries, including Kenya, Nigeria, Tanzania, and Ethiopia. In Kenya, his work in childhood nutrition and vaccination programs played a crucial role in reducing child mortality rates. In Nigeria, he focused on expanding educational access, especially for girls and children in remote regions. His efforts in Tanzania were directed towards strengthening child protection policies, while in Ethiopia, he worked on enhancing rural healthcare infrastructure.

Dr. Anice's exemplary service and achievements have been recognized with several prestigious awards. He received the International Humanitarian Award for his outstanding work in child health and education in Africa. The Global Health Excellence Award was bestowed upon him for his contributions to improving healthcare systems in underprivileged areas. Additionally, he was honored with the Distinguished Leadership Award for his efforts in advocating for the rights and welfare of children across Sub-Saharan Africa.

At Petronille Healthy Society, Dr. Anice continues his dedication to humanitarian causes. He oversees various programs aimed at bolstering health, education, and the well-being of communities in African nations. His role encompasses strategic planning, program implementation, and adapting initiatives to align with both the society's goals and the specific needs of local communities.

Dr. Anice is renowned for his deep understanding of the challenges in diverse African contexts and his commitment to sustainable development and community engagement. His work fosters partnerships with local governments, NGOs, and international bodies. His peers highly respect him for his unwavering dedication, innovative approach, and the compassionate execution of his duties. Dr. Anice's contributions have not only significantly impacted countless lives in Sub-Saharan Africa but also set a high benchmark for program excellence in international development.

Samuel Ishako Grant Manager

Thank you to our sponsors, donors and key partners

Petronille Healthy Society works with partners, donors, and sponsors from across the globe to bring positive change in the lives of millions of people.